Arogyam Ayurvedm Blogs
Healthy lifestyle implies following good habits such as having a healthy diet, taking out time to indulge in physical exercise regularly and taking adequate sleep at night. It is essential to follow a healthy lifestyle to keep various illnesses at bay and live wholly.
How to Quit Unhealthy Habits?
While most of us are aware of the unhealthy habits we indulge in and many even try to quit the same, we often fall short. You cannot just wake up one day and decide to quit your unhealthy habits and voila you are done with it. No, it requires a lot of effort to quit such habits especially if you have been following them since long. Here are a few things that should help:
Write Down
The first thing you should do is to write down the cons of the bad habits you have been indulging in and the positive effects you can bring about in your life if you quit the same. Stick it at a place where you can read it often enough. This should work as an inspiration.
Company Effects
Company affects our habits to a large extent. If you have been socialising with people who indulge in drinking and smoking then it would be hard for you to quit these habit. It is time to limit your contact with such people.
Avoid Triggers
There may be a number of things that might act as triggers. For instance, if you smoke more when you are drinking then cut out on your drinks. If you have the habit of having chips and cookies when you are watching TV then cut out on the time you watch TV.
Look for a Substitute
Boredom and stress are some of the common reasons people take to unhealthy habits such as smoking, drinking, spending large amount of time on mobile or TV screens. Instead of indulging in such activities you must make an effort to channelize your energy in the right direction. For instance, you may follow something that interests you during your free time. It can be anything from playing with your dog to dancing to sketching.
Seek Professional Help
If the above mentioned doesn’t help especially when it comes to getting rid of the addictions you have developed then it is time to seek AROGYAM AYURVEDM
You must not take your health lightly. It is time to switch to a healthy lifestyle if you haven’t already to keep health issues at bay.
Healthy lifestyle implies following good habits such as having a healthy diet, taking out time to indulge in physical exercise regularly and taking adequate sleep at night. It is essential to follow a healthy lifestyle to keep various illnesses at bay and live wholly.
How to Quit Unhealthy Habits?
While most of us are aware of the unhealthy habits we indulge in and many even try to quit the same, we often fall short. You cannot just wake up one day and decide to quit your unhealthy habits and voila you are done with it. No, it requires a lot of effort to quit such habits especially if you have been following them since long. Here are a few things that should help:
Write Down
The first thing you should do is to write down the cons of the bad habits you have been indulging in and the positive effects you can bring about in your life if you quit the same. Stick it at a place where you can read it often enough. This should work as an inspiration.
Company Effects
Company affects our habits to a large extent. If you have been socialising with people who indulge in drinking and smoking then it would be hard for you to quit these habit. It is time to limit your contact with such people.
Avoid Triggers
There may be a number of things that might act as triggers. For instance, if you smoke more when you are drinking then cut out on your drinks. If you have the habit of having chips and cookies when you are watching TV then cut out on the time you watch TV.
Look for a Substitute
Boredom and stress are some of the common reasons people take to unhealthy habits such as smoking, drinking, spending large amount of time on mobile or TV screens. Instead of indulging in such activities you must make an effort to channelize your energy in the right direction. For instance, you may follow something that interests you during your free time. It can be anything from playing with your dog to dancing to sketching.
Seek Professional Help
If the above mentioned doesn’t help especially when it comes to getting rid of the addictions you have developed then it is time to seek AROGYAM AYURVEDM
You must not take your health lightly. It is time to switch to a healthy lifestyle if you haven’t already to keep health issues at bay.
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